ActiveScaffold – A Ruby on Rails plugin for dynamic, AJAX CRUD interfaces

Posted on the May 26th, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by John

After playing with streamlined, I discovered ActiveScaffold. ActiveScaffold seems to be a bit more fine tuned and ready for production use then streamlined when it comes to restful development. This is just what I was looking for the speed up the dev of the backend admin area. While its not a final solution, it allows you to get things going fast and start coding the core of your app without the need to code all the minor crud features in the beginning. Its worth a look at, try the demo here:

ActiveScaffold also allows you to override anything you need, layouts, columns, associations, etc.
It doesn’t get more simple and clean then that.

Main features:

* An AJAXified table interface for creating, updating, and deleting objects
* Automatic handling of ActiveRecord associations
* Sorting, Search and Pagination
* Graceful JavaScript degradation
* RESTful API support (XML/YAML/JSON) baked in
* Sexy CSS styling and theming support
* More extension points than you can shake a stick at
* Guaranteed to work on Firefox 1+, IE 6+ and Safari 2+
* Released under the MIT License, the same one as Rails itself, so you can use it freely in your commercial applications.

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2 Responses to 'ActiveScaffold – A Ruby on Rails plugin for dynamic, AJAX CRUD interfaces'

  1. April 16, 2008 at 6:57 pm
  2. October 6, 2008 at 6:34 pm
    John Burmeister

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