When browsing around today I saw quite a few sites talking about the Rails Best Practices presentation / talk that ihower did at the Kungfu RailsConf. Check it below, it really covers a lot of basic tips on how to clean up your code and follow some better coding practices.
Someone just released a gem that will analyze your code and check for “Best Practices” – seems promising. Check it out at GitHub here: http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices
Put together a small list of apps I saw today that are part of the Rails Rumble 2008.

Let me know if I missed any by adding a comment. Check out http://blog.railsrumble.com/ – I am sure they will post an official list shortly.
*** The list keeps growing!
http://meetinbetween.us/ – Car pooling site
http://tunemuncher.com/ – Music artist tracking site, shows latest ablums from artists you like.
http://wurbe.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Conference organization?
http://foodferret.com/ – A service that finds the right food for you?
http://likis.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Social language learning
http://chicago.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Simple presentations
http://so2speak.net – RSS / Webservices to speach
http://wethepeople.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Political news?
http://myideadrawer.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Organize, collect, and share your projects
http://pug.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Pickup game locator
http://a8.r08.railsrumble.com/ – A solution for managing projects from proposal, through build stage, to getting paid.
http://dontsendit.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Delayed email sending?
http://maestro.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Music Create / Sharing app
http://notifly.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Easily integrate communication services into your app
http://jotlyapp.com/ – Blogging app
http://run1mile.com – A program to get your from nothing to running one mile
http://iheartgames.r08.railsrumble.com/ – A social application where you list your games and connect with your friends to play games.
http://billelle.r08.railsrumble.com – Unknown
http://greatminds.r08.railsrumble.com/ – A co-operative word game for two or more players
http://www.loveloathe.com/ – Lists of things you love and hate.
http://poolr.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Find a car pool
http://sellyourattention.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Build a potato man
http://gtd.r08.railsrumble.com/ – task / GTD app
http://twalala.com – Web based twitter client
http://hikedit.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Hiking fan site, find trails
http://stickyboard.r08.railsrumble.com/ – No idea what this is – a wall of randomness?
http://milliontagcloud.r08.railsrumble.com/ – donation app
http://osc.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Treasuring hunting w/SMS
http://foodistic.com – Track what you eat
http://www.playubetcha.com/ – online game where you can wager points on real-world events
http://storyseed.r08.railsrumble.com/ – create, publish, read and rate stories
http://citenow.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Keeps track of your citations on books, journals and websites.
http://rio.r08.railsrumble.com/ – pics of your diet (food)
http://goodbad.me/ – see all the good and bad stuff in the Twitterverse
http://inspiresme.r08.railsrumble.com/home – say who inspirse you
http://pranziamo.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Lunch recommendations
http://diedebtdie.r08.railsrumble.com/ – provides you with tools and motivation to get you out of the red…and back in the black.
http://qflip.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Qflip is an app that integrates with the netflix api that helps people to rent randomly.
http://couldya.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Its a way to get help with things using your social network.
http://ir.r08.railsrumble.com/ -Latte Art with ratings
http://ideasftw.com – An idea incubator.
http://sheepfit.r08.railsrumble.com/ – a stretch reminder
http://www.rubyreddo.com – RubyReddo is a service to translate your GetText .po files
http://justafinlist.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Just A F***ing List
http://dense.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Dense is a simple slideshop app
http://remindr.info – Effortless one-click reminder about pretty much anything
http://ostraka.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Ostraka is the digital counterpart of ancient democratic instrument of ostracism.
http://tagueame.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Tagueame is a little experiment about socializing online opinions about your friends and family.
http://a8.r08.railsrumble.com/ – A business related app for project management, time reporting, invoicing with built in chat rooms.
http://wheresthemilkat.r08.railsrumble.com/ – find out who’s got the best prices, and where they are
http://ndebted.com – A service for tracking and sharing debts with friends
http://assassin.r08.railsrumble.com – The assassin game
Another great list of Rails Rumble 2008 apps – > http://48hrlaunch.wordpress.com/2008/10/20/rails-rumble-2008-apps/
http://revealthebias.r08.railsrumble.com/ – Reveal the Bias
Just an FYI… 
Rails Rumble 2008 has started. I am signed up to be a judge, It would be pretty interesting to see what comes out of this 48 hour hack fest.
The Rails Rumble is a 48 hour web application development competition. As a contestant, you get one weekend to design, develop, and deploy the best web property that you can, using the awesome power of Ruby on Rails
Read more about it from their latest blog post: It’s On!
I’ll try to get a list going of the open source projects that come out of this event, and post the git hub links.
Here is the first app from what someone had posted in IRC: http://gentrify.r08.railsrumble.com/ – maybe its something to follow?
**** Update
Links to watch: