Archive for the ‘Apple’ Category

iPhone Push Apps Finally Showing Up In The App Store!

Posted on the June 22nd, 2009 under Apple by

Well the iPhone 3.0 Apps with Push capabilities are finally showing up in the app store. I just updated BeeJive and it works pretty well, not sure how long you stay logged in for after you exit BeeJive.  Anyways, screen shot below…

The only apps I know of out now are:

  • APNews
  • BeeJive IM
  • AIM
  • Pollen
  • Tap Tap Revenge
  • IM +
  • ToDo


Any others out there?

My Crazy Fish

Posted on the September 16th, 2007 under Apple,Interesting,Personal by

Found my camcorder today, I haven’t used it in a while. Since I have a Mac, I ran out and purchased a DV Cable so I could get the moves off of it and into iMovie. My first little movie is below…

This is my crazy goldfish (I think thats what it is) he is about 2 years old now. He likes to move anything and everything in the tank, including picking up the gravel and spitting it out on the side of the tank.

WWDC 2007 Updates – Gamers rejoice? ID and EA Games to the mac

Posted on the June 11th, 2007 under Apple,Interesting by

While I do not get to play many games with the limited free time I have, Steve Jobs just announced that EA Games and ID Games have committed to bringing gaming back to the Mac. Sounds like there will be a lot more info out at E3, but there was quite an impressive lineup ahead from EA.

I believe that this is a huge step forward for the mac, and how people are really making the switch from windows.