Just an FYI… 
Rails Rumble 2008 has started. I am signed up to be a judge, It would be pretty interesting to see what comes out of this 48 hour hack fest.
The Rails Rumble is a 48 hour web application development competition. As a contestant, you get one weekend to design, develop, and deploy the best web property that you can, using the awesome power of Ruby on Rails
Read more about it from their latest blog post: It’s On!
I’ll try to get a list going of the open source projects that come out of this event, and post the git hub links.
Here is the first app from what someone had posted in IRC: http://gentrify.r08.railsrumble.com/ – maybe its something to follow?
**** Update
Links to watch:
Buying a house, whew what a mess. I never thought buying a house would be so stressful, especially when you are dealing with a builder / developer. We are in contract negotiations right now for a small raised ranch on Long Island. Going back and forth trying to get everything the builder quoted in person in the contract is essential and pain staking! He says one thing in person, yet the contract states other thing. I am sure it will be all ironed out shortly, and the building process will begin. I am just happy its a good sized lot, and we will have a nice size backyard to landscape down the road. Landscaping is a whole other issue, since its very basic when getting a new house. I guess that is something I’ll worry about once we are in and settled, and of course once we have some spare cash to do so. Any one have some thoughts or suggestions?
After playing with streamlined, I discovered ActiveScaffold. ActiveScaffold seems to be a bit more fine tuned and ready for production use then streamlined when it comes to restful development. This is just what I was looking for the speed up the dev of the backend admin area. While its not a final solution, it allows you to get things going fast and start coding the core of your app without the need to code all the minor crud features in the beginning. Its worth a look at, try the demo here: http://demo.activescaffold.com/users
ActiveScaffold also allows you to override anything you need, layouts, columns, associations, etc.
It doesn’t get more simple and clean then that.
Main features:
* An AJAXified table interface for creating, updating, and deleting objects
* Automatic handling of ActiveRecord associations
* Sorting, Search and Pagination
* Graceful JavaScript degradation
* RESTful API support (XML/YAML/JSON) baked in
* Sexy CSS styling and theming support
* More extension points than you can shake a stick at
* Guaranteed to work on Firefox 1+, IE 6+ and Safari 2+
* Released under the MIT License, the same one as Rails itself, so you can use it freely in your commercial applications.