Archive for the ‘Rails Ecommerce Project’ Category

Working with edge rails – creating a project from scratch using edge rails

Posted on the May 25th, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by

This has always been something I was thinking of, why caint I create my project initially with edge rails?

There are always minor changes in edge rails that can effect creating your project from using the stable version. Using the way below eliminates that issue by creating your initial project with edge.

mkdir -p new_project/vendor
cd new_project
svn co vendor/rails
ruby vendor/rails/railties/bin/rails .

Now you have yourself a fresh project base to start your new edge rails app.

scaffold_resource is now just scaffold in edge rails

Posted on the May 25th, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by

Why I did not notice this earlier is beyond me, however, scaffold_resource is now just scaffold in edge rails. I must have been in a recent change committed.

Scaffold resource used to be the command ( script/generate scaffold_resource modelname) to generate a rest based (restful) scaffold of a model, along with the migration.

Now its just simply scaffold, same commands are available. (script/generate scaffold_resource modelname notes:text, etc)

I couldn’t find the change log in

Rails Streamlined Framework

Posted on the May 21st, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by

I was watching some of the screencasts as well as reading the PDF file of the tutorial they gave at rails conf of Streamlined.

I was quite impressed, and thought I would give it a shot to help speed up some of the minor admin interfaces. It definally worth a look at.

I also noticed with running rails edge you need to comment out a line in the following file in the streamlined plugin dir (streamlined/lib/streamlined/controller.rb)

Comment out (line 111):