scaffold_resource is now just scaffold in edge rails

Posted on the May 25th, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by John

Why I did not notice this earlier is beyond me, however, scaffold_resource is now just scaffold in edge rails. I must have been in a recent change committed.

Scaffold resource used to be the command ( script/generate scaffold_resource modelname) to generate a rest based (restful) scaffold of a model, along with the migration.

Now its just simply scaffold, same commands are available. (script/generate scaffold_resource modelname notes:text, etc)

I couldn’t find the change log in the Rails Trac for whatever reason.

The scaffold resource generator creates a model, a controller, and a
set of templates that’s ready to use as the starting point for your
REST-like, resource-oriented application. This basically means that it
follows a set of conventions to exploit the full set of HTTP verbs
(GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) and is prepared for multi-client access (like one
view for HTML, one for an XML API, one for ATOM, etc). Everything comes
with sample unit and functional tests as well.

The generator takes the name of the model as its first argument. This
model name is then pluralized to get the controller name. So
“scaffold post” will generate a Post model and a
PostsController and will be intended for URLs like /posts and

As additional parameters, the generator will take attribute pairs
described by name and type. These attributes will be used to
prepopulate the migration to create the table for the model and to give
you a set of templates for the view. For example, “scaffold
post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean” will
give you a model with those four attributes, forms to create and edit
those models from, and an index that’ll list them all.

You don’t have to think up all attributes up front, but it’s a good
idea of adding just the baseline of what’s needed to start really
working with the resource.

The generator also adds a declaration to your config/routes.rb file
to hook up the rules that’ll point URLs to this new resource. If you
create a resource like “scaffold post”, it will add
“map.resources :posts” (notice the plural form) in the routes file,
making your new resource accessible from /posts.

./script/generate scaffold post # no attributes, view will be anemic
./script/generate scaffold post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean
./script/generate scaffold purchase order_id:integer created_at:datetime amount:decimal

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