scaffold_resource is now just scaffold in edge rails

Posted on the May 25th, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by

Why I did not notice this earlier is beyond me, however, scaffold_resource is now just scaffold in edge rails. I must have been in a recent change committed.

Scaffold resource used to be the command ( script/generate scaffold_resource modelname) to generate a rest based (restful) scaffold of a model, along with the migration.

Now its just simply scaffold, same commands are available. (script/generate scaffold_resource modelname notes:text, etc)

I couldn’t find the change log in

Ruby on Rails documentation & API

Posted on the May 25th, 2007 under programming,Ruby on Rails by

A few of my recently bookmarked sites for the Ruby on Rails API and documentation that help with development. Slick interface, ( has a lot of other API’s and documentation) Its ok, slower to search (lacks ajaxness) – Edge documentation “Ruby on Rails documentation… on Rails” – Clean easy site for Rails documentation / API info. – Ruby core documentation – Official RoR documentation / API – OSX Widget for the Rails API

Any other suggestions, post a comment and I’ll add it to the list.

Rails Streamlined Framework

Posted on the May 21st, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by

I was watching some of the screencasts as well as reading the PDF file of the tutorial they gave at rails conf of Streamlined.

I was quite impressed, and thought I would give it a shot to help speed up some of the minor admin interfaces. It definally worth a look at.

I also noticed with running rails edge you need to comment out a line in the following file in the streamlined plugin dir (streamlined/lib/streamlined/controller.rb)

Comment out (line 111):