AS/400 and RPG Programming Resources / Tutorials

Posted on the May 10th, 2007 under AS400,programming,RPG by

I have compiled a list of AS/400 programming resources / tutorials, specifically relating to RPG IV. I hope to add more as time goes on. Any suggestions?

Some Linux Tutorials and How To Links

Posted on the December 25th, 2006 under Linux,Tutorials by

Apple Mac Pro arrived

Posted on the October 26th, 2006 under Apple,Personal by

Sold my Mac mini on eBay, and my new Mac Pro arrived.

Dual 3.0 Intel Xeon’s, and bumped it up to 2 gigs of ram from Crucial. I also dropped in a 10,000 rpm drive as the main boot drive.

Nice job Apple, this thing looks and runs beautiful.