Ron Paul CNN Late Edition (05/20/07)

Posted on the May 21st, 2007 under Interesting,Personal by

This video is Ron Paul appearing on the CNN Late Edition on 5/20/2007 – Its a interesting watch, this guy has some great points. And seems to be a real straight shooter.

SVN / redMine and some project updates

Posted on the May 21st, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by

I setup the project into svn and redMine everything seems to be working out well. redMine is a nice little application for project management (bug tracking, svn browser, wiki), its worth taking a look at and seems to be a viable alternative to trac.

After getting that setup, I went ahead and started working on the authentication system. Making some minor tweaks (fixed the redirect_to_url, which is not depreciated in edge rails), adding password

Working on a Ruby on Rails Project and Some Tips

Posted on the May 19th, 2007 under programming,Rails Ecommerce Project,Ruby on Rails by

I figured I’d update you all on what I am doing, and will be doing over the next few weeks during my “free” time. I am currently spec’ing out a new Ruby on Rails project, and hope to begin coding right after this post. I figured this would be a good chance for me to blog a bit about rails as well as my project progress. I created a new category just for this project (Rails Ecommerce Project), so if you wish to follow it book mark this link: or via the RSS feed

Also, any and all suggestions is appreciated (plugins, related links, etc). I can not give the specifics of the project,