Painting, and more painting.. Moving in this weekend!

Posted on the November 16th, 2007 under house,Levittown,long island,Remodeling by

Well, this weekend is it! We have to move , there is no other choice, we close on our Coop Monday. Sunday will be spent moving all of our furniture and other things to the house. Our vanity is in stock now, and we will have a sink (the final piece of the puzzle) to complete the downstairs bathroom. Hopefully this weekend we will finish the hardwood in the kitchen and hallway.
The last few days I have been rushing to finish the painting in at least the living room so we have a place to put our stuff (and we probably will be sleeping there for a while till the master bedroom is done.) We went with some bold colors again, these pictures were taken when it was still wet, so it probably will not be as bright as in the photos below. Benjamin Moore paint, its the way to go.

Whats going on at our house renovation

Posted on the November 14th, 2007 under house,Interesting,Levittown,long island,Personal,Remodeling by

Well its been quite a busy month or so, we have gotten a lot accomplished thanks for family and friends.  I figured I would post a few updated pictures, I haven’t had time to update the site the last few weeks.  A brief overview of what has been accomplished so far: Downstairs – Bathroom is 90% done (Waiting on a Vanity from Home Depot), Sub floors are down (Vapor barrier, CDX Plywood) and the hardwood in the Living Room is done (see picture below).  All the walls are spackled and primed downstairs, and I just finished up giving the ceiling in the Living and Dining room their second final coats last night (see the other picture below). My father-in-law and wife put the slate on the fireplace this weekend, it really came out nice and brings a different look to the whole room.  See pictures before and after below.  Thats all for now.

Fireplace Before:

Fireplace After:

Wood Floor In Living Room:

Painted Living Room (Ceilings, Walls will be painted This Week)

Quick House Update – Video

Posted on the October 15th, 2007 under house,Levittown,long island,Personal,Remodeling by

Here is quick video of the current progress of the first floor. I havnt had the time to post more video’s, but I wanted to get this one up of the first floor.