Well the siding is 95% done, there is just some minor trim work that needs to be completed. It really came out a lot nicer then I expected. The wider planks and grainy look makes it stand out from regular vinyl siding.
Front View:

Back View:

Me and my Father-in-Law started the Bamboo flooring upstairs. We started in the master bedroom and are working our way into the office. It looks a lot nicer then I had imagined.
Ignore the messy bed and desk!

Other Bedroom Angle

I’ll be working on the office / hallway area’s this week, then into the guest bedroom. Our entire 2nd floor with be Bamboo with the exception of the bathroom & laundry room.
Wew, we have been busy the past few weeks…. From the Holidays to a business trip to Arizona and working on the house. So whats going on right now with the house? I finished up sanding, spackling and painting the master bedroom closet as well as the office over the past 3 weeks. I’ll post some pictures shortly of the progress inside, but for now checkout whats being done outside.
We are in the process of having it sided. Its coming out pretty well! All of the old siding is off, wrapped the house in Tyvek Drainwrap, and started putting on the new siding. We went with a premium siding called Prodigy (http://www.prodigysiding.com/product_features.php) – It has a few nice features:
- R-Value of 5.0
- Inch and 1/2 of insulation – Great for sound proofing too! – Hopefully less road noise
- Looks like wood – has grainy / milled look

Pics of the house getting sided:


I had to post this, especially for all the techies…
“see the thing is, uptime is only as good a downtime. you NEED downtime to get uptime. Uptime wouldnt mean anything without downtime. Appreciate the downtime, its priceless.
— John