Archive for August 8th, 2009

Some pics of the Mustang all cleaned up and ashtray switches installed…

Posted on the August 8th, 2009 under Interesting,Levittown,long island,mustang,My Projects by

Here are some pics from a few weeks ago when she was all cleaned up.   The stang looks a lot better via photos then in person, but hey… What do you expect for 23+ year old paint?!?! Other pics are for the new switch console I added to the ashtray.  These switches control my Fan, Shift Light, and gauges.   Heading to Englishtown,NJ this weekend for the big Muscle Mustang & Fast Fords Event.  More info on the event here: It should be fun!




Some pics of the control panel installed in the ashtray, sorry crappy pics, took it with my iPhone.

mustang ash tray

mustang ash tray