These stairs are finally done. First was the endless sanding, then the staining and polyurethane. I put off painting the risers and sides because its a nightmare to prep, plus I had other projects from “The List” to get done. I went through a roll of tape just getting everything ready before painting. Primed with a good primer, then hit it with a semi gloss white from Benjamin moore. (I went with the semi gloss because of durability, I used this on all my moldings and doors)
Anyways, here are some pics. The flash from the camera makes it seem more shiny then it actually is, I think it came out pretty good.

Figured I’d update the old blog with a few house updates. We had a new door put in, then me and my father-in-law tiled our entry way. I also just had a fence put in.

Here is our poor attempt at a pumpkin carving 🙂

Just a quick tip for when you are doing nested resources….
In this example, I am building a app for a client where there is a recipient and they have many physicians. So I have a case where I have a nested resource. To keep thing DRY, I added this to my before filter where I get the recipient. This allows you to nuke the find in the show, edit, update and delete actions and retain the original use of @physician.
def get_recipient
@recipient = Recipient.find(params[:recipient_id])
# DRYs her up a little so you don't have a find in the show,edit,update and delete actions
@physician = @recipient.physicians.find(params[:id]) if params[:id]
Don’t forget to modify your index find, change it to reflect the nested route… In my case:
@physicians = @recipient.physicians.find(:all)
Have any other useful tips? Let me know!