Here are some pics from a few weeks ago when she was all cleaned up. The stang looks a lot better via photos then in person, but hey… What do you expect for 23+ year old paint?!?! Other pics are for the new switch console I added to the ashtray. These switches control my Fan, Shift Light, and gauges. Heading to Englishtown,NJ this weekend for the big Muscle Mustang & Fast Fords Event. More info on the event here: It should be fun!

Some pics of the control panel installed in the ashtray, sorry crappy pics, took it with my iPhone.

MSD digital shift light installed on the mustang. Install was pretty simple; power, ground, and tach wire. The tach tire you just run to your MSD box or if you don’t have a box they give you some other wires to hack it in. The shift light can be programmed to whatever you want, so no need to mess with any pills like the old school units. Plus you can set different shift points for different gears. I’m not a fan of the big tach’s / shift lights so this one was perfect, small and has a bunch of features. Pictures below…

Finally had a chance to drop off the pipe to get the flange welded on for the BOV. I took the pipe off last night then cut off the old flange and dropped it off a local shop this morning. Picked it up tonight and threw on the new BOV. I still have to adjust the spring, however everything seems to work fine. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can run over to the shop and get my o2 bung welded on for the wideband.
As you can see the old BOV was plastic and quite small…

New and Old up close…

Below is the new flange welded on….