Here are some pics from a few weeks ago when she was all cleaned up. The stang looks a lot better via photos then in person, but hey… What do you expect for 23+ year old paint?!?! Other pics are for the new switch console I added to the ashtray. These switches control my Fan, Shift Light, and gauges. Heading to Englishtown,NJ this weekend for the big Muscle Mustang & Fast Fords Event. More info on the event here: It should be fun!

Some pics of the control panel installed in the ashtray, sorry crappy pics, took it with my iPhone.

Took a few pics at the car show over at AutoMat’s car show. It was a good showing and a beautiful day, it was a nice change to the 23+ days of rain this month! Plus I got to take my car out for a ride.
Show info here:
All Photos I took here:
Some highlights below:

I just got an email from a friend of a friend with the list of Red Light camera’s that are being installed all over Nassau County (Long Island, NY). Just click the link below and it will download a list of the town’s and intersections where the camera’s are installed or being installed. I’m not for anyone blowing red lights, but I am against this. Whats next?
Download PDF File Of The Nassu County New York Red Light Camera’s