When browsing around today I saw quite a few sites talking about the Rails Best Practices presentation / talk that ihower did at the Kungfu RailsConf. Check it below, it really covers a lot of basic tips on how to clean up your code and follow some better coding practices.
Someone just released a gem that will analyze your code and check for “Best Practices” – seems promising. Check it out at GitHub here: http://github.com/flyerhzm/rails_best_practices
These stairs are finally done. First was the endless sanding, then the staining and polyurethane. I put off painting the risers and sides because its a nightmare to prep, plus I had other projects from “The List” to get done. I went through a roll of tape just getting everything ready before painting. Primed with a good primer, then hit it with a semi gloss white from Benjamin moore. (I went with the semi gloss because of durability, I used this on all my moldings and doors)
Anyways, here are some pics. The flash from the camera makes it seem more shiny then it actually is, I think it came out pretty good.

Figured I’d update the old blog with a few house updates. We had a new door put in, then me and my father-in-law tiled our entry way. I also just had a fence put in.

Here is our poor attempt at a pumpkin carving 🙂